Lauren McHale King

Lauren McHale King


Lauren McHale is a seasoned personal trainer and fitness entrepreneur with over a decade of experience, having successfully coached hundreds of clients in personal training, indoor cycling, and yoga. She began her career in 2011 as a yoga and spin instructor and later became a founding instructor for SoulCycle in 2012. In 2020, she established her successful personal training and nutrition coaching business.

Lauren's approach centers on tailored holistic programs, combining compassionate discipline with personalized assessments and attainable goals. Her coaching philosophy prioritizes demystifying self-care and building a motivational and inspiring community.

Looking ahead, Lauren is dedicated to expanding her business through technology-enabled remote coaching, staying updated on fitness trends, and fostering partnerships within the wellness industry to enhance her clients' experiences. She's committed to creating a supportive network focused on self-improvement and well-being.

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